Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just checkin in

Hope all is well for everyone.
Thanksgiving is just 2 days away. This year I don't have to cook ANYTHING!!. We are going to my dad's and I was told I didn't need to bring a thing. How nice. I am meeting my step brother and sister for the first time. WOW! I will let you know how it goes.
I talked to Dr.Oro's office today and have my tethered cord surgery scheduled for March. On the 17th I have a lumbar and brain MRI,on the 18th(my 10 year wedding anniversary) I see Dr.Oro and surgery is the 19th. I will be the first one of the day so I hope the doc has had his coffee and is wide awake. All I really know is that I have to lay flat for 24 hours after surgery. Hopefully recovery will be fast. I'm not sure I will have a nanny position to return too. They are very busy people and have become very dependent on me. Maybe I can get my Herbalife business off the ground and not need to worry about it.
Speaking of Herbalife~Michael went to his diabetes doctor today~his dosage on one medication has gone down and he will probably be off all the med's in the next 3 months. Praise the Lord!!!! He has lost 13 pounds and 21 inches. I have lost 19 pounds and 18 inches.Hopefully my weight loss will help my recovery.
Have a super Thanksgiving,

Monday, November 10, 2008

did any one else see this

Last night on Mystery Diagnosis they showed a girl who suffered for years with stomach aches,headaches and low blood pressure. She finally found Chip's WACMA website and went to TCI where she was diagnosised with chiari and had surgery there.She has gone on to become a model. I thought it was pretty cool to finally see for myself that we chairians were getting some attention.
I have been doing pretty good lately. I have recently found a product~Herbalife~not only have I lost 13 pounds and 9 inches in the first week of using these products but my brain fog has lifted and although I still have the"pull" feeling in my head and neck I am finding that I am using my muscle relaxor alot less and I have some energy.Michael is also using some of Herbalife's products and he lost 6 pounds and 16 inches in the first week but more importantly for him as he is a diabetic~his numbers are going down and he is able to sleep through the night thanks to Nightworks~he suffered from leg cramps from poor cirrculation.He has been able to sleep the last week.Feel free to visit Herbalife.com if you are interested in anything let me know and I would be happy to help you.
It is really cold in my neck of the woods.How about where you are?
For those of you in the chiari world continue to lift up Chip's family.Chip passed away Thursday night awaiting a liver transplant. Very big loss for those of us who knew of all Chip has done in the world of chiari.He will be missed but I know he is in Heaven watching over each of us.