Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Guess who called???

So after sending a not really nice e-mail to Kim~Dr.Oro's nurse I finally spoke to Dr.Oro himself.
First,I spoke with Dee who wanted to make sure I was infact cancelling my appointment for next week.Than Renee called in the afternoon~she wanted to know what I wanted and why I was so unhappy.After trying to explain things to her and getting no where I told her I was tired of dealing with the office and I hung up.Less than an hour later Dr.Oro called~Guess what??? I have tethered cord.He apologized for all the confusion,asked how I was feeling and explained what was going on with me.My "band" is being pulled passed L-1 L-2~further than he would like it and lower in the lumbar area I have the spinal lipoma (fatty tissue) which is pushing and pulling the cord.He said he could do about an inch incision and "snip" the cord.In 2 out of 3 people this helps and is what is needed.I would have the surgery and need to lay flat for at least 24 hours.I didn't ask about down time becasue I had gotten the answers I was looking for already.He said to save on gas money,ect... he could schedule the consultation and surgery all in one trip.We agreed that I would continue keeping the journal I have been since the decompression surgery and if I continue to see no improvment in my lower body within the next 2 months to go ahead and schedule this procedure.
Sometimes I guess you just have to get mad.Michael says not everybody works as fast as I do and so I don't get the answer I want in my timing.HELLO~ I have been waiting 9 flippin weeks for some sort of answers. I do have the answers now so I feel better.The not knowing is very hard.
I have heard from Dr.Oro and I am happy with that however I am still feeling what I guess I will call ~ depressed~I don't want to do anything and I really don't feel like talking to anyone.I haven't been to church in about 5 weeks and I hate my job.Yeah I guess depressed is a good word.I am not really sure where this is coming from.Money- maybe- we are really struggling right now.I am just counting down the days til I start with my new family and get out of this apartment.
Maybe tomorrow I will update you about Nicole and the deported husband.
Much love,


lace1070 said...

So sorry to hear that u do indeed have TC ~ my brain tail was telling me that u do have it. Sometimes it just takes the docs a little longer to diagnose. I do know there was an ASAP conference a couple of weeks ago and maybe Dr. Oro spoke in length with the TCI docs about TC. If you have any questions about the surgery feel free to ask. Hugs ~ Lace

Sheila said...

I am so concerned to why so many of us have to have TC surgery i was under the understanding it was still expermintal. i had cervical repair for damaged discs from years of the chiari not being diagnosised i was in my late 40's and it was after my 4th child that i startedto go down hill I had always had spinal problems 2 lower back surgeries and one was done when i was in my 20's and they could not figure out whay it was so messed up, not iknow that alll along it was CM/SM and wished th would of caught it wooner. I sure would not want to have another surgery I am sick of being carved up. I hope it is the answer for you. if you fell like chatting. e-mail me at but i am usualy on here or Myspace.