Monday, February 23, 2009


We won't have the computer for a few days.
It will be turned on at my moms sometime on Friday so until then. BYE-BYE.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

update on blog

As you can see I have figured out a few things and have added them here but I am still learning. I have to remove a couple of things so this is still a work in progress.
I am off to my moms this morning. Joshua moved alot of his things yesterday and we discovered MOLD. So alot of cleaning needs to be done in what is going to be our bedroom before I feel comfortable enough to move my things over. My mom seems~sick~ all the time and I am wondering if this mold may have something to do with it.I have no idea where the water leak is or even if that is what this mold is coming from however,since I am not 100%healthy I am concerned.
I will update more later.
Best wishes for a great day,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My blog

You can see my blog is pretty boring unless you are just interested in ~well~me. I am sure you can see that I really don't know a lot about computers. I am hoping to change that and improve this blog even in just some small way.
So the point here is ~I am going to be adding things~ WOW! I know you can just hardly wait.
Hopefully later today you will at least get the picture of Sierra's tattoo I promised 2 weeks ago.

Ok,so Josh has still yet to show any interest in moving and if I as his mother am not mistakin-he wanted to move to his dad's to save money and Michael and I finally agreed to live with my mother to help all of us out financially. I may need to go back and read my own blog to make sure I know what I am talking about but I think this at least along the right lines. ANYWAY-I only have 1 week to get out of this apartment so I am thinkin someone like Michael is going to have to go over and light a fire under Josh.Every space in the apartment is empty except for our bedroom so we are clearly ready to go.
On the flip side I am concerned that Joshua is realizing that he has made a mistake in going to his dad's and this is possibly why he is draggin his feet. If we had some where else to go it wouldn't be an issue but we've given notice here and re-done our budget to include all my weeks off with no pay and an up coming surgery so there is no turning back right now.Please all of you who pray ~lift up my little guy (yes,I know he is 21).
Court for his DWI was post-poned until April so that's all the news I have there.
Sierra seems to be doing well. We really didn't talk alot this week which is strange for us. I mean we did our daily texting but didn't have our every day phone conversations. I'm sure we both are just caught up in our own lives right now. I'm sure I will talk to her today.
I watched a movie last night and I never watch movies but this one was really good.It's called ~Fireproof~. It is christian based. If you haven't seen it check it out at Blockbuster. Has anyone seen ~Slumdog Millionaire~? I'm sure it isn't christian based but it seems to be done all by unknowns to us so I am interested in it.
Ok, my hands don't think I need to type any more and I need to get ready to go to breakfast with my Sunday morning small group so I will close.
Take care all,

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Just a quick update before I head off to work.
I talked to Kim at Dr.Oro's office last night and after being on the Lyrica for 12 days she thinks I should now wean myself off of it since I see no change in my pain/burning. Also because it is expensive and no need to take medications that are doing nothing.At this point we are back to where we started before the Fibromyalgia diagnosis.
My dad had surgery yesterday. He has Chron's disease and he had a blockage. He looked well when I saw him. Praise Jesus!!
I have yet another week off work the first week off March and I may of already shared I am off the first week in April. I sure don't get why I had to change my TC surgery to May or lose my job and I was off last week and have these 2 weeks off coming up. The bright side of being off in March is that my sister will be here from GA. so we will have a chance to catch up.
Josh is still fighting the scabies. In fact it has gotten worse so because of that we are still at a stand still with moving. Sierra is doing much better from her staph infection.
Blessings to you,

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

I hope everyone enjoy's Valentine's Day tomorrow. We were to have dinner with friends tonight. I sent Michael to go and enjoy himself I'm just not feeling up to it. I think I've been a bit depressed this week. I was off this week because Sydney went to stay with grandma. I think not having my routine and just something to do has kinda got me down.
I have been on the Lyrica for a week now and have not felt any difference at all.Tonight I am to increase my dose so we will see if anything happens. I got the report from the Rheumatologist and found out that my feet not only bother me because of the Fibromyalgia and Tethered cord but because I have degeneritive (sp)changes in my feet and bone spurs> OUCH!!!!!!
Had to take little Sierra to her well womens check up today so while we were there we asked the doctor about some bumps she has around the new tattoo. She has a staph infection.YUCK!! Thank God we had an appointment and thought to ask.
Joshua has court next week on his DWI. No clue what will happen there since this is his 2nd one.He has yet to start moving out. He is in no hurry where I am ready to get out of this apartment.
There is a women's conference I try to follow that hasn't come to our area for a couple of years~Women of Faith~ well they are coming to our area this year and I guess since I changed my TC surgery to May and they are coming in March when I would of been gone to Colorado I can go now. Very cool
Blessings to you

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well it's been a while since I have posted. Sorry about that.
As I said the last time I was on I was on my way to find out about EDS. The doctor took alot of time with me. We did a physical exam,blood work and x-rays. In the end he said I was very flexible and had lax joints but he does not feel it is EDS he says I have Fibromyalgia. He left me with that and said he would send his findings and thoughts on to my family doctor as well as Dr.Oro. I wasn't going to do anything with this new information but as soon as Dr.Oro got the information from the Rheumatologist I went to I was contacted by Kim (Oro's nurse) and informed that they would like to try me on Lyrica for the Fibromyalgia. I started that last night so a little to soon to tell if it has helped.
I continue to have good and bad days.My feet,hands,arms,neck and head are still issues most days.I am still struggling with memory issues and some days I talk backwards or stutter. I still am needing my Flexiril and Vicodin almost daily.
Yesterday I spent about 2 hours with Sierra at the tattoo parlor. We both love love love butterflies so she got a very nice sized tattoo on her back. 2 butterflies to symbolize the 2 of us and a stargazing lily flower in the middle and she picked the color purple to put in the butterflies for my Chiari. She said she was not going to go through another surgery with me with out something meaningful and important to her so she decided on going with a tattoo.She will have the 2 butterflies with her forever now. It hurt to see her go through so much pain for me but the tattoo is soooo beautiful and has such meaning to both of us that it is really speacial. I wanted to get the same tattoo only smaller on my foot but Michael asked me not to just because I don't feel well and I have this internal vibration all the time that the vibration of the needle would just be to much for me right now. I know he is right it is just sad for me because Sierra and I had hoped to do it together.
I will have Michael post the picture of Sierra's tattoo. I don't know enough about the computer to do it myself.
We are still moving in with my mom.We have most things packed just waiting for Joshua to get moved out.This week we are giving our living room furniture to a church friend who is in need.We thought it better that some one get some use out of the stuff instead of paying for a storage unit. We also have stuff for a garage sale to put towards the cost of going back o Colorado for my TC surgery.
As for my surgery~I ended up having to put it off til May. Shelley (my boss) was having a hard time finding care for Sydney in March and April but knew that in May her niece would be off school and could help out so she has offered to help me pay my insurance deductible and allow me to come back to work if I would put surgery off til May.Now we will head out to Colorado the last week in May.I hated having to do this but felt like I didn't have alot of choice. Money is tight for many people including us. The raise that I posted about Michael getting was taken away to cut costs at his job.Thankfully he does still have his job!!
Take care,