Saturday, February 21, 2009

My blog

You can see my blog is pretty boring unless you are just interested in ~well~me. I am sure you can see that I really don't know a lot about computers. I am hoping to change that and improve this blog even in just some small way.
So the point here is ~I am going to be adding things~ WOW! I know you can just hardly wait.
Hopefully later today you will at least get the picture of Sierra's tattoo I promised 2 weeks ago.

Ok,so Josh has still yet to show any interest in moving and if I as his mother am not mistakin-he wanted to move to his dad's to save money and Michael and I finally agreed to live with my mother to help all of us out financially. I may need to go back and read my own blog to make sure I know what I am talking about but I think this at least along the right lines. ANYWAY-I only have 1 week to get out of this apartment so I am thinkin someone like Michael is going to have to go over and light a fire under Josh.Every space in the apartment is empty except for our bedroom so we are clearly ready to go.
On the flip side I am concerned that Joshua is realizing that he has made a mistake in going to his dad's and this is possibly why he is draggin his feet. If we had some where else to go it wouldn't be an issue but we've given notice here and re-done our budget to include all my weeks off with no pay and an up coming surgery so there is no turning back right now.Please all of you who pray ~lift up my little guy (yes,I know he is 21).
Court for his DWI was post-poned until April so that's all the news I have there.
Sierra seems to be doing well. We really didn't talk alot this week which is strange for us. I mean we did our daily texting but didn't have our every day phone conversations. I'm sure we both are just caught up in our own lives right now. I'm sure I will talk to her today.
I watched a movie last night and I never watch movies but this one was really good.It's called ~Fireproof~. It is christian based. If you haven't seen it check it out at Blockbuster. Has anyone seen ~Slumdog Millionaire~? I'm sure it isn't christian based but it seems to be done all by unknowns to us so I am interested in it.
Ok, my hands don't think I need to type any more and I need to get ready to go to breakfast with my Sunday morning small group so I will close.
Take care all,

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