Wednesday, April 9, 2008

feeling like crap

Oh my gosh,Am I ever ready to call it a day. I started feeling really rough yesterday with lots of joint pain so much so that it was very hard to use my hands.Michael was kind enough to send me to bed when he got home.He sent the rest of the daycare darlings off and stayed up and played with Rowan.Thank goodness. Rowan slept very well so we weren't up in the night or anything. Today I still have all the joint pain and all over body weakness.My legs are very weak feeling.It just seems it takes everything I have to walk across the room or disipline the darlings.Lots of tension in my neck and a nice headache.
I talked to Sierra just a little bit last night about being concerned about her butt dimples.She didn't do or say or act as I was afraid she would.She was almost uninterested.I told her there was really nothing we could do right now I wanted to talk with Dr.Oro so he could lead me in the right direction.She seemed just fine with that.
Just wanted to whine a bit and let ya know how Sierra is doing.
Have a great night,

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