Thursday, February 21, 2008

nasty outside

It's nasty outside here in my part of the world.Lots of icy roads and it sounds like lots of wrecks.One of the day's I am glad I provide childcare in my home and don't have to get out in the weather.
I was able to do the heart monitor with little to no trouble.I go Monday for an MRI on the brain and than Friday is fasting lab work.I am thninking this is the end of this type of testing until I make my way to Colorado in April.
Pretty dizzy today not matter which way I turn my head.Got a pretty good headache going on and some other pains and feelings many of you can relate with.I have been spending most evenings in bed.This is one point in my life where I am thankful those that live under this roof with me have other things to do and don't mind a whole lot that mom spends alot of time in bed.I just find that I can't make plans for much of anything.For example~I asked Michael to take me to the store tonight,why?totally beyond me I know there is no way I will be able to walk through the store tonight after fighting chiari symptoms all day and dealing with 8 babies for 11 hours.Thank goodness I know my family can feel in for me.
hugs to all

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