Sunday, February 24, 2008

went to church

Just got in from church.It was so nice going and seeing my church family.I haven't been for a month so I really missed the support my women's group offers.In fact today instead of doing our Beth Moore study we just went around our group and each of us spoke our thoughts,concerns,and prayer request's.There are so many people hurting and as hard as it may be for me to believe right now alot of them are hurting worse than I.My heart goes out to you all!! You guys are the best.
I am feeling decent so far today.I have done some laundry,dusted and I am trying to get the energy up to clean the bathroom.Michael is great~He is fixin our dinner and he has cleaned the kitchen floor for me. He and my mom both are doing what they can to de-stress me.They have been wonderful!
I think the kids are good .I saw Sissy a bit yesterday and she seemed well but I haven't seen Joshua since the little E.R. visit on Friday.
I am going to work tomorrow and I must admit I am a bit nervous having all the daycare kids come.I guess It won't be a full day for me.Michael will have the kids for a bit as I go for the brain MRI and chest x-ray.I am so thankful he is able to be flexable at his job.
I hope this day finds you all pain free.

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