Friday, March 28, 2008

It's gonna rain

How is every one?I haven't had much to say the last couple of days.I'm not sure I have anything worth sharing today either just didn't want any one to think I was dead since I am usually on each day.
I am soo thankful it is Friday.It has been a rough week.I have been very fatigued - so much so that I think I may be taking some of the things my husband has said and done this week out of context and bascially told him today~I needed my space~so he left and I have no idea where he is.I think we may all have those day's (or weeks) where it isn't going to matter what someone says or does it just isn't going to be right no matter what.
I didn't have the rapid heart beat or trouble breathing for about a week so it was really upsetting when those symptoms came back like a roaring loin this week.
I am feeling sooo burnt out on childcare~you could set a clock by us.Same thing nearly every day.I know the little ones don't know my pain so I am trying to be the same ole' Lolo and put on the fake happy face when mom and dad come to get them.
We are expecting rain this weekend so I think I am going to plan to stay in my room as much as I can and hopefully be better for Monday.
Have a great weekend,

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