Friday, March 14, 2008

pretty good day

It has been a pretty good day.I feel like I've gotten alot done.The only problem is....I will feel every bit of it tomorrow.
We are supposed to be expecting rain and snow so that should be fun for all the parade goers tomorrow.I was thinking of going to meet a fellow chiarian for coffee.She actually has SM.
I am hopin to feel well enough tomorrow night to go to a cancer benifit for a little girl.I don't know the little girl personally but my best friend all through school is going to have her head shaved to help raise money.So that is something I'd really like to see.Heck if I knew Iwas having surgery any time soon I'd shave mine too.
No calls or e-mails from Oprah or Montel.I'll give 'em til after the weekend than try again.
My sister is a big Ellen fan so she thought she would try to reach her people.
Well my husband whom I don't think I've seen all week is home so I will close for now.
Hoping for pain free day's for you all.

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