Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I've had a few symptoms the last couple of weeks that kinda have me thinkin' I'm crazy!
I have this pain or constant cramp in my right calf it has been there for a bit over a week.Than I noticed a couple of day's ago my right foot was tingling half on top of my foot half on the sole of my foot as the day went on it was almost as though my foot was beating in rhythm with my heart.I haven't felt it today,just the leg pain and leg weakness which I have had for a while.The leg weakness is one of the reasons we have been looking to move to something with just one level.It is hard to go up the stairs.I have had lower back pain for over 2 years.It began with a miscarriage.I had an MRI done and was told I have a herniated disk and degenerative disk disease but now with all this chiari stuff I really don't know.My prayer is that Dr.Oro will be able to help.
Nothing else going on in my world today~The sun is out ~that is a big praise!
Michael gets a pretty nice bonus at work so that is also a big praise!
I missed watching Big Brother last night so I have to try to stay awake to watch it tonight.I watch so little tv it sucks when I miss something that I do like to watch.However I will take sleep whenever I can get it.
Stay out of trouble!!

1 comment:

Dee Hall said...

Hello Laura..
Sorry to hear about your new symptom..its frustrating when things are always falling asleep..except when you want to fall asleep..they aren't much use when you can't feel them...I pray that you will get some answers from Dr Oro..Be Well
