Monday, May 19, 2008


I am going to really try to "fast" for a time.
Reasons behind this are~I am really wanting to hear God and the closer it gets to surgery time I am feeling it a bit harder to pray or really even just speak to the Lord and this is not what I want. So I am hoping that those hunger pangs will remind me to focus a bit more on our Heavenly Father.
I just read Katies overflowingbrain blog and the reciepes she has posted sound sooo good. I even copied them.I am an emotional eater so I really am hoping and praying this fasting will take me where I am looking to be.
Our apartment is amazing if any apartment can really be that good.The space is great.The 2 bedrooms are at oppisite ends so Sierra coming in late is very unlikely to bother us if we are in our room sleeping.I am really excited about being able to get back to "teaching" the daycare darlings the things they are going to need to get ready for school.I have 3 I am taking off the bottle and we are going to potty train.I set up the main bathroom in colorful fish decor.Very bright colors for them-poor Sierra- she has to deal with fish.She doesn't seem to mind at all though.Thank you Sissy.
I'll let ya know how the first day goes.

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