Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I hit the back of my head

Everything really went smoothly yesterday until I smacked the back of my head on the freezer door. I was getting some ice and bent down to get one of my little darlings~Christian~when I came back up pow.It knocked me for a loop for a minute.Thank goodness Sierra was here to help until I regained my composer.I became very sick at my stomach and the inside of my head felt like it was on fire as well as down the right side of my face.I am feeling much better this morning and am very thankful I have not had surgery yet because I hit right where the incision site will be.
Babysitting at the apartment was fine.We did alot of floor play,coloring and the older ones did some worksheets.We went outside and blew bubbles and just got used to being in a different space.I was very pleased.I extended my hours to give the parents more time to get here from work due to us moving further out but as of last night everyone was still here by 5:30.
Michael had the most beautiful flower arrangement delivered to me yesterday.Purple is my favorite color and how fitting since it is the chiari color too but I never knew so many flowers came in such beautiful shades of purple.Also the upstairs neighbor came down and brought us a hanging basket of ivy,so how could it not be a nice day!
Sierra has yet to spend the night in the apartment.I think she has moved in with Chuckie.All of her things are here though.Chuckies place is closer to her school and work so it is easier for her to get around over there.
I fasted all day yesterday and did find a couple of times I did pray when I felt hungery.I am going to try to continue on today.
Blessings to all!

1 comment:

lace1070 said...

I hope your noggin is feeling a little better today ~ Hugs ~ Lace