Tuesday, May 27, 2008

one week til surgery

One week left!!
It seems like it has taken forever for the surgery date to get here. I'm sure this will be the longest week of my life.
Got some things done this past weekend to get ready to leave.Cleaned the apartment really good,went to the store for some things we can snack on on our 8 hours drive.I think I talked to everyone I needed to touch base with before we leave. We even got some things packed. I am easy to pack since most of my time will be in the hospital.I bought some PJ pants and tank tops,socks and even some panties yea!!! We bought the thing for my laptop so I can use it in the car or where ever,found the camera.Maybe after surgery Michael and I will finally learn about putting pictures on here.
This week Michael works 3 days. He will get the truck detailed and the oil changed.Friday afternoon he is going to watch the daycare darlings and Sierra and I are going to get our nails done before I send her off to her grandma's.I'm sure she will stay plenty of time with Chuckie as well.I feel like she will be in good hands.I guess if I am to worry about any of the kids it would be Josh.He rents the basement area from my mom.So mom and grandma are both going to be gone.
I know he will be working and hanging out with friends,I just hope he has some one he can lean on if he has a bad day.Mom,Michael and the kids are going to wear the chiari t-shrit's Tuesday.I thought it was pretty cool since that is surgery day and the reason for the surgery.
I'm feeling pretty good right now.I had a few issues over the weekend as far as feeling like I was going to pass out but I was able to get control.My hands and ankles have really thrown me a fit as far as pain but for the most part I am doing ok. I won't have a babysitter today for myself so my prayer is that I make it through the day with out any trouble.
Keep me laughin this week ya all.

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